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Dzisiaj jest: poniedzia³ek 13 Stycznia 2025.
Imieniny obchodzi: Bogumi³a, Weronika, Bogumi³
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Życzenia Wielkanocne po angielsku
Życzenia Wielkanocne po angielsku
Flowers blooming,
reaching out to touch
the morning sun, bring
promises of hope and joy
meant for everyone
Happy Alleluia, and Easter time!!
colorfull eggs and lamb in basket!
Happy March fool's day!!
Życzenia Wielkanocne po angielsku
May He continue to bless you
With His Heavenly love;
May you continue to trust Him,
Our Lord and Savior above.
On this holiest of all holidays
May you find peace, joy & love;
And remember what He died for,
Our Lord and Savior above.
Życzenia Wielkanocne po angielsku
May you find happiness
in every direction your paths take you.
May you never lose your sense of wonder,
and may you hold your sense of humor
you use to brighten the lives
of everyone who know you.
May you keep on trying to reach for your stars.
May you never forget how wonderful you are.
You, my friend, are one
great reason to celebrate
this Easter season.
Wishing you an Easter that's
as special as can be
Życzenia Wielkanocne po angielsku
Chocolate bunnies, colored eggs and whole lotta fun...
That’s what Easter and it’s merry-making is all about!
Have an egg-cellent, eggstra-hoppy Easter!
Easter has a warmer glow,
Spring, a brighter touch,
Because I'm sharing them with you...
The one I love so much.
Życzenia Wielkanocne po angielsku
These Happy Easter wishes
Are especially for you;
A great big hug & a few light kisses
Thrown in for good measure too.
Have a super holiday
And know that I'm thinking of you;
Because you're especially nice to know,
And because I just wanted to !

Happy Easter !!
It's wonderful to see the signs
of Easter time and spring...
It's wonderful to know the joy
a time like this can bring...
And it's wonderful to have someone
who means as much as you
To think about and care about
and send these wishes to!!!
Życzenia Wielkanocne po angielsku
Easter’s here with its springtime joy and cheer!
Cherish the beautiful Spring season with the brightest blossoms
in your life and convey your feelings to loved ones
with bunch of our Easter wishes.
I just wanted to make sure I was the first person
to wish you a very pleasurable, bright and cheery,
plentiful, entertaining, and peaceful Easter holiday!
I hope you have a very Happy Easter!
Życzenia Wielkanocne po angielsku
Everyone believes in HIM,
All in all HE gives us grief,
Summoning when pain comes,
To help us at once,
Escaping from the bottom and ascending like he did,
Rectifying, let me say, the Jesus HE is and the end.
Easter is a feeling in our hearts of hope and faith and trust.
It is a day of miracles; a day when our dreams seem a little closer;
a time of retrospection for what has been and antisapitation of all that will be.
And is a time for for remembering with love
and appreciation the people in our lives who make a difference.

May Your Easter Be Special
Życzenia Wielkanocne po angielsku
As spring comes to the world,
bringing sunshine and gladness...
...this comes to you
bringing wishes for joy.
Happy Easter
I treat people like chocolate bunnies at Easter!
I bite their heads off.
Happy Easter.
Życzenia Wielkanocne po angielsku
Życzenia Wielkanocne po angielsku

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¯yczenia, ¿yczenia Dzieñ Kobiet, ¿yczenia wielkanocne,¿yczenia swiateczne, ¿yczenia sylwestrowe, ¿yczenia noworoczne, ¿yczenia na Bo¿e Narodzenie, ¿yczenia na Nowy Rok, SMSy, urodziny, Wielkanoc, Dzieñ Babci, Dzieñ Dziadka, Dzieñ Kobiet, Dzieñ Matki, cytaty, Bóg, ¿ycie, Aforyzmy o kobietach, aforyzmy o mi³ości, cytaty, ¿yczenia na Dzieñ Dziecka,śmieszne smsy mi³osne, aforyzmy mi³osne, s³odkie smsy,sms na dobranoc, smsy na dzieñ dobry, erotyczne smsy, wiersze mi³osne, wierszyki mi³osne, Walentynki, z³ote myśli, gotowe sms.