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¿yczenia: bozonarodzieniowe po angielsku

May Peace Hope and Love be with you
Today Tomorrow and Always
Merry Christmas!

bozonarodzieniowe po angielsku
Dodane przez: 18-stka    Data dodania: 2010-10-07

Warmest thoughts and best wishes
for a wonderful holiday and a Very Happy New Year.

bozonarodzieniowe po angielsku
Dodane przez: Anna    Data dodania: 2010-10-10

Wishing you a warm holiday season
Filled with all the things that CREATE beautiful memories.

bozonarodzieniowe po angielsku
Dodane przez: Anna    Data dodania: 2010-10-10

Dear Partners,
Merry Christmas and Happy New year!
We wish You and Your Company
to be successful and prosperous!
We wish You financial stability and
material well-being!
We wish Your families to be happy,
healthy and wealthy!

bozonarodzieniowe po angielsku
Dodane przez: Anna    Data dodania: 2010-10-10

In the beauty of the season, In the joy of Christmas Day,
May you find a special meaning that brings happiness your way.

bozonarodzieniowe po angielsku
Dodane przez: Anna    Data dodania: 2010-10-10

May you have the gift of Faith
the blessing of Hope
and the Peace of His Love at Christmas
and throughout the year

bozonarodzieniowe po angielsku
Dodane przez: Piotr    Data dodania: 2010-10-11

Christmas is a time for love and fun.
A time to give your heart to everyone.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

bozonarodzieniowe po angielsku
Dodane przez: życzenia po angielsku    Data dodania: 2010-10-11

Wising you peace and happiness during the Holiday Season
And throughout the coming Year!

bozonarodzieniowe po angielsku
Dodane przez: Data dodania: 2010-10-10

The gift of love, the gift of peace, the gift of happiness...
May these be yours at Christmas

bozonarodzieniowe po angielsku
Dodane przez: 18-stka    Data dodania: 2010-10-10

May His come bring you peace and blessings this Christmas

bozonarodzieniowe po angielsku
Dodane przez: życzenia bożonarodzeniowe po angielsku    Data dodania: 2010-10-15

May the Blessings of Christmas be yours
And Happiness fill each day of the New Year

bozonarodzieniowe po angielsku
Dodane przez: pheonix    Data dodania: 2010-10-15

May you always carry with you a little of the
Beauty, warmth and love of Christmas.

bozonarodzieniowe po angielsku
Dodane przez: gaga    Data dodania: 2010-10-15

May your spirit of Christmas
Brighten your whole year.
Merry Christmas!

bozonarodzieniowe po angielsku
Dodane przez: gaga    Data dodania: 2010-10-15

May the candles burn brighter than ever this year,
The carols sound sweeter, the days hold more cheer...
May each day that follows bring some new joy too,
Especially happy for you!
May the joy and peace of Christmas
Always be with you!

bozonarodzieniowe po angielsku
Dodane przez: Anna    Data dodania: 2010-10-15

To those we love and see each day
and other loved ones far away
To all good friends who mean so much,
and those with whom were are of touch...
Merry Christmas and best wishes for a happy New Year.

bozonarodzieniowe po angielsku
Dodane przez: Anna    Data dodania: 2010-10-18

Dear ?
I wish you Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Let the coming year be prosperous joyful for all of us.
With my warm wishes
Yours ?

bozonarodzieniowe po angielsku
Dodane przez: ewella    Data dodania: 2010-10-18

May traditions that you treasure most
And all the special plans youve made
Bring sentimental Christmas joys
And memories that never fade.

bozonarodzieniowe po angielsku
Dodane przez: Anna    Data dodania: 2010-10-18

Wishing you happiness at Christmastime,
And prosperity throughout the new Year!

bozonarodzieniowe po angielsku
Dodane przez: penelope sexowna    Data dodania: 2010-10-18

Merry Christmas, smile at face,
many sunny days and everything the best!

bozonarodzieniowe po angielsku
Dodane przez: Piotr    Data dodania: 2010-10-19

Soft the fallen snow crisp and clear the air,
The world awakes to Christmas Joy and wonder everywhere!

bozonarodzieniowe po angielsku
Dodane przez: agnieszka    Data dodania: 2010-10-20

Special Christmas Wishes - each and every way
To wish you all the happiness of a special Christmas Day.
Happy Christmas!

bozonarodzieniowe po angielsku
Dodane przez: maxior    Data dodania: 2010-10-20

Together well shine to make everything fine.
Endeavour and perceive and well surely achieve.
Best wishes and prayers for an all-conquering New Year

bozonarodzieniowe po angielsku
Dodane przez: xxx    Data dodania: 2010-10-18

In the peaceful joys of Christmas, in the stars that shine above,
In the wonder of the season, in the gift of God's great love...
may you find hope and promise that will fill this Christmas season
with very special happiness for you!
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

bozonarodzieniowe po angielsku
Dodane przez: maggie    Data dodania: 2010-10-18

God has given us two hands - one to receive with and the other to give with.
We are not cisterns made for hording; we are channels made for sharing

bozonarodzieniowe po angielsku
Dodane przez: Ewa    Data dodania: 2010-10-20

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